Our Initiatives:
Hope Haven

Origin story

While learning about the staggering child trafficking statistics we learned that foster children are far more likely to be trafficked than any other demographic. We knew, in that moment, that this was an area that we could make a difference. If we could make a positive impact in the Foster process we could perhaps change the trajectory for children within the system!

Many people foster to adopt which is amazing and impactful, however that leaves all of the children that are temporarily removed from their biological parents for 1 month up to 3 years. A vast majority of these children have been living in abusive or neglectful homes. These children desperately need to know love, hope, encouragement and nourishment even if it is only for a moment.

That is why we are committed to building Hope Haven.

The problem we're solving:

Every year, thousands of children are removed from their biological family because of abuse or neglect.

These children deserve a loving home in their community where they can experience stability, love and hope for their future. There are families that have the capacity to love, nurture and foster these children but not the means to make it a reality. Hope Haven is an initiative that aims to provide the means to families to be able to be the answer the short term foster crisis.

Hope Haven exists for
3 purposes:


To provide trained adults and housing for temporary foster care thus impacting the foster crisis in Orange County.


To build a teams of people committed to supporting foster familie’s ancillary needs so that they can focus on strength and stability in the home.


To raise awareness to the dire need for children in foster care and inspire others to begin the Foster Care Journey.

The goal (The Dream)

Our goal is to one day own 40 residential homes that foster parents, who are fostering 3 or more foster children, are able to live in at minimal to no cost. This will allow one of the spouses to stay at home and provide the healthy environment and nurturing relationships that these children so desperately need and deserve.

The parents are provided with curriculum to help equip these children to grow, trust, love and heal.

The family will also be surrounded by a community of support friends. These are individuals that will help provide support in the form of meals, transportation, physical needs and child care. The support community is essential to ensuring that the foster parents maintain a healthy relationship which will allow them to foster longer.

Hope Haven
- Currently

We currently are working with 5 foster parents that have short term foster placements. We have developed and organized Support teams that are assisting each of these families to care for the foster children and ensure that they are creating a healthy environment and nurturing relationships.

We are beginning fund raising and looking for our first property to be purchased in Orange County while working with these current foster families to establish curriculum and create a working system where they feel equipped and supported as they make a difference in the lives of the children they are able to foster.