We are committed to
making an impact.

Go Initiative Story

In Orange County it can be challenging to see the need amongst the abundance of affluence. Most people don’t know where to look or how to get involved.

The Go Initiative Group was founded to provide help and hope and to create an avenue for the people of Orange County to make a difference. The Go Initiative Group was started in 2012 and became an official entity in 2022.

“We consider ourselves to be idealists and actually believe we can change the world!”

We believe that individuals have an innate desire to make a difference in the lives of the people around them. All you have to do is turn on the news to see that there are many in this world that are hurting and in need of help, but most people don’t know how to help or how to make a strategic impact.

We currently are connecting organizations and individuals to three different initiatives that are focused on impacting our local community. We are committed to making an impact one life at a time and hope you will consider joining or financially supporting our efforts.

This is our
Mission & Vision.


The Go Initiative hopes to mobilize a cohort of individuals and businesses committed to making a difference: We will raise awareness to the needs of the hurting in our back yard, Inspire people to take action, invest in and do something about those needs, ultimately changing statistics in our region.

Mission Statement

The Go Initiative exists to: Shift affluence into influence by helping the hurting and neglected in Orange County

We are so grateful for all of our sponsors and their commitment to our community.

Our Partners

Movement Church

The Movement Church is a valued partner who shares in our vision to help the hurting and to be a difference in our community. They have not only financially supported us but also supplied a lot of our volunteers over the past 10 years.

Laguna Hills High School Football

The LHHS football team partnered with us last year to help bring hope to the underpriveled kids in our community at last years Give Hope event. All 100 of their atheletes as well as their coaching staff helped to raise toy donations to make sure kids in the community would have hope for christmas.

SVUSD & Laguna Hills High School

The Saddleback School District and LHHS have been a strategic partners by allowing us to use their facilities for our community events. So many of the children that received gifts from the Give Hope event will one day walk the halls of this school as a student.

Impacting our
local community.